髙橋 萌
   所属   朝日大学  歯学部 口腔病態医療学講座 口腔外科学
   職種   助教
言語種別 英語
発行・発表の年月 2024/12
形態種別 研究論文(学術雑誌)
査読 査読あり
標題 Productions of IL-4, IL-10 and a subset of CD8- DC4- Foxp3+ lymphocytes were enhanced vie the function of IL-2 from anti-CD3 antibody-stimulated mouse spleen cells treated with caffeic acid phenethyl ester
執筆形態 共著
掲載誌名 Journal of Oral Biosciences
担当区分 筆頭著者
著者・共著者 Moe Takahashi, Masako Mizuno-Kamiya, Shifa Rahman, Hanemi Tsuruta, Kumiko Ikeno, Harumi Kawaki , Genjiro Nakamura, Yasunori Muramatsu, Hisakazu Fujita, Toru Nikaido, Nobuo Kondoh
概要 CAPE enhanced IL-2 production followed by IL-4 and IL-10 production from anti-CD3 antibody-stimulated spleen cells.
CAPE reduced IFN-γ expression preceding the enhancement of IL-2 production from the stimulated spleen cells.
CAPE enhanced the expression of Foxp3 in DN (CD4- CD8- ) lymphocytes from the stimulated spleen cells.
The effects of CAPE on the enhancement of IL-4 and IL-10 production, and the augmented expression of Foxp3 in DN lymphocyte were attributable to via the function of IL-2.