安尾 敏明
   所属   朝日大学  歯学部 口腔機能修復学講座 口腔生理学
   朝日大学  大学院 歯学研究科
   職種   講師
発表年月日 2016/06
発表テーマ Vitamin C deficiency affects ingestive behavior and taste nerve responses in Rats
会議名 International Symposium on Olfaction and Tast JASTS 50th Annual Meeting
単独共同区分 共同
発表者・共同発表者 Toshiaki Yasuo,Takeshi Suwabe and Noritaka Sako
概要 Some mammals including hunan beings cannot synthesize Vitamin C(VC),so it must be Obtained from diet.The ain of this study was to examine how the VC deicient rats select VC.For that aim,we performed behavioral and the electrophysiological experilnents using ODS od/od rats,which cannot synthesize VC.These data suggest that rats with adequate VC can avoid the 10 mM or more of VC solutions by sensing VC as a tastant,but this avoidance is reduced when VC deiciency occurs.And the ingestive behavior for VC during VC deiciency may be related to the reduction of CTN responses to sour tastants and VC.