安尾 敏明
   所属   朝日大学  歯学部 口腔機能修復学講座 口腔生理学
   朝日大学  大学院 歯学研究科
   職種   講師
発表年月日 2019/10/13
発表テーマ How long time are needed for the rats to recognize the components of mixed taste solution?
会議名 The 61nd Annual Meeting of Japanese Association for Oral Biology
学会区分 全国学会
単独共同区分 共同
概要 We investigated how long time were needed for rats to recognize the components of the mixed solution by using the conditioned taste aversion technic. Our data suggested that rats can recognize the components of mixed taste lower than 1 min, and that the presented time of taste solution is related to retention-time of memory for the contents of presented solution.