瀧谷 佳晃
   所属   朝日大学  歯学部 口腔機能修復学講座 歯科保存学(歯内療法学)
   朝日大学  大学院 歯学研究科
   職種   准教授
発表年月日 2016/06
発表テーマ Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA) with platelet-rich plasma can up-regulate the expression of DMP1 and Nestin following direct pulp capping in rat molar teeth
会議名 IADR PBRG Symposium 2016
単独共同区分 共同
発表者・共同発表者 Motohiko Nagayama,Maiko Yamada,Satoshi Kawano,Yoshiaki Takitani,Takakazu Yoshida and Yoshihiro Shibukawa
概要 The purpose of the present study is to investigate the combination effects of mineral trioxide aggregate(MTA) with platelet-rich plasma(PRP)on the calcified tissue formation at the early phase after direct pulp capping in rat molar teeth.To compare with calcium hydroxide(CH),we examined histological and molecular analyses on the expression of dentin matrix acidic phosphoprotein1(DMP1)and nestin.These results demonstrate that MTA induced odontoblast differentiation and dentin bridge formation.The combination of MTA with RPR can enhance more effectively a series of calciffication following the dirrect pulp capping.