寺嶋 雅彦
   所属   朝日大学  歯学部 口腔構造機能発育学講座 口腔解剖学(解剖学)
   朝日大学  大学院 歯学研究科
   職種   講師
発表年月日 2010/04/01
発表テーマ Four-dimensional imaging system for orthodontic applications
会議名 110th annual session American Association of Orthodontists
学会区分 国際学会
単独共同区分 共同
発表者・共同発表者 Terajima M, Takahashi I, Nakasima A, Ko CC, Proffit W
概要 We introduce a new method for 4-dimensional analysis of stomatognathic function that combines the 3D CT of the cranium and mandibule, dental surface imaging, and mandibular movement data. This method can analyze and display not only at intercuspal position, but also at any mandibular position during functional movements. We believe that our 4D analyzing system will be useful for diagnosing temporomandibular disorders of patients with jaw deformities.