1. |
2024/12/22 |
歯周病専門医から見たインプラント患者のリスクマネージメント ( 教育講演 2 )(公益社団法人日本口腔インプラント学会第45回中部支部学術大会)
2. |
2024/11/04 |
Correlation between MMP/TIMP expression in gingival crevicular fluid and clinical parameters in the classification (2017) of periodontal disease.(The 110th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Periodontology)
3. |
2024/10/05 |
4. |
2024/10/05 |
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2024/10/05 |
6. |
2024/10/04 |
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2024/10/04 |
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2024/10/04 |
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2024/07/15 |
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2024/06/19 |
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2024/06/16 |
歯科医師教育講演② インプラント周囲炎は予防可能な疾患か?(日本臨床歯周病学会第42回年次大会)
12. |
2024/05/24 |
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2024/05/24 |
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2024/05/24 |
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2023/11/05 |
セルフケアしやすい補綴物周囲のソフトティッシュマネージメント, シンポジウム2 「補綴医が習得すべきソフトティッシュマネージメント」(第8回 補綴歯科臨床研鑽会「プロソʼ 23」)
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2023/11/03 |
歯周基本治療と禁煙支援を行い良好な口腔衛生状態を確立した一症例(第17回 日本歯周病学会中部地区大学・日本臨床歯周病学会中部支部 合同研究会)
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2023/11/03 |
歯周疾患進行に伴う口腔内臨床パラメーターと CH3SH(メチルメルカプタン)濃度 の相関性(第17回 日本歯周病学会中部地区大学・日本臨床歯周病学会中部支部 合同研究会)
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2023/10/14 |
19. |
2023/09/16 |
バイオフィルム感染制御の観点から見たインプラント周囲炎の予防と治療; シンポジウム4「長期安定性から見たインプラント周囲炎の予防と治療」(第53回公益社団法人日本口腔インプラント学会学術大会)
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2023/05/27 |
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2023/05/26 |
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2023/05/26 |
23. |
2022/12/03 |
24. |
2022/11/26 |
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2022/10/30 |
歯周治療とインプラント周囲炎、その治療法の違い (FCE9: インプラント周囲炎:再生、切除、再埋入)(第108回アメリカ歯周病学会学術大会)
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2022/10/15 |
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2022/10/09 |
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2022/10/09 |
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2022/09/02 |
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2022/09/02 |
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2022/09/02 |
歯周病新分類とPISA, PESAに関する調査研究(第65回秋季日本歯周病学会学術大会)
32. |
2022/06/03 |
GRADEアプローチを用いた診療ガイドライン策定の試み – CQ6 インプラント周囲炎骨内欠損の外科的処置に有効な骨補填材はありますか?(第64回春季日本歯周病学会学術大会)
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2022/06/03 |
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2022/06/03 |
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2022/03/19 |
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2021/12/17 |
インプラント周囲炎の治療 —その可能性と限界—(第51回公益社団法人日本口腔インプラント学会学術大会)
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2021/11/21 |
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2021/10/15 |
メトホルミンにる歯周炎進行予防効果の検討 2.実験的歯周炎へのメトホルミン投与の効果(第64回秋季日本歯周病学会学術大会)
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2021/10/15 |
抗菌光線力学療法の殺菌効果と細胞毒性に関する in vitro 研究(第64回秋季日本歯周病学会学術大会)
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2021/07/04 |
インプラント周囲の軟組織を考える(第36回日本歯科産業学会 総会・学術講演会)
41. |
2021/02/06 |
42. |
2020/11/28 |
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2020/11/06 |
Effects of in LPS-induced chronic periodontitis mouse model
44. |
2020/11/06 |
Exosomes from dental pulp cells can suppress periodontitis symptoms(第106回アメリカ歯周病学会共催日本歯周病学会・日本臨床歯周病学会2020年大会)
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2020/10/19 |
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2020/10/18 |
メトホルミンによる歯周炎進行予防効果の検討 1. 正常歯周組織へのメトホルミン投与の効果(第63回秋季本歯周病学会学術大会)
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2020/02 |
新たな観点から見たインプラント周囲炎の診断と予防(公益社団法人 日本口腔インプラント学会 第39回 関東・甲信越支部学術大会)
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2019/11 |
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2019/10 |
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2019/05 |
インプラントーアバットメント接合部封鎖性に及ぼす水平荷重の影響第4報 材質の異なるアバットメントによる比較(第62回春季日本歯周病学会学術大会)
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2019/05 |
52. |
2018/10 |
Involvement of TRPV4 in bone remodeling by mechenical stress with peropdpntitis(American Academy of Periodontology 104th Annual meeting)
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2018/10 |
54. |
2018/06 |
歯槽堤保存術における吸収性遮蔽膜を用いたOpen Membrane Techniqueに関する基礎的検討(第61回春季日本歯周病学会学術大会)
55. |
2018/03 |
Is horizontal load a risk factor for peri-implantitis in two -piece implants?(Academy of Osseointegration 2018 Annual Meeting)
56. |
2018/02 |
57. |
2017/06 |
Long-term case of alveolar bone augmentation by GBR method using porous HAP(National Symposium of Osteology Japan)
58. |
2016/11 |
The effect of horizontal loading on microgaps between dental implant fixture-abutment in terfaces(10th World Congress for Oral Implantology & AAID Global Conference 2016(Co-organisen with 5th ICOI South-east Asia Conference))
59. |
2016/09 |
Influence of horizontal load application on microgaps between fixture-abutment interface(American academy of periodontology 102th annual meeting)
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2016/05 |
61. |
2015/10 |
Efficacy of non-surgical therapy using antimicrobial photodynamic therapy on peri-implantitis patoents(11th Asian Pasific Society of Periodontology Meething)
62. |
2015/06 |
Isolation of mesenchymal stem celis from gnathic bone marrow by ckosed systemd Device using nonwoven fabric filter(EuroPerio 8)
63. |
2014/09 |
The clinical study about the effects of antimicrobial photodynamic therapy on chronic periodontitis patients(The American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) 100th Aniversary Annual Meeting)
64. |
2013/06 |
65. |
2012/11 |
66. |
2012/09 |
Effect of variious decontaminatio methods on experimental peri-implantitis in dogs(98th Annual Meeting for American Academy of Periodontology)
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2012/09 |
68. |
2010/11 |
Study on the decontamination of dental implant surface(95th Annual meeting for American Academy of Periodontology)
69. |
2010/07 |
Olinical consideration of several decontamin ation methods to treat peri― implantitis(88th General Session of the International Association for Dental Research)
70. |
2009/06 |
シンポジウムIV高齢者のインプラント治療を考える 歯周病の立場から見たインプラント治療(第20回日本老年歯科医学会総会“学術大会)
71. |
2009/03 |
72. |
2009/01 |
安心安全なインプラント治療を求めて(熊本県歯科医師会学術講演会 Dentai Conference in Kumamoto)
73. |
2008/11 |
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2008/09 |
A basic study on periodontal regeneration syimulated by platelet-rich plasma(94th Annual meeting for American Academy of Periodontology)
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2007/09 |
76. |
2006/09 |
Elimination of periodonto-pathic bacteria on implant surface in vitro(92nd Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Periodontology)
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2006/09 |
Mannose-binding lectin gene polymorphism in periodontal disease and diabetes mellitus(92nd Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Periodontology)
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2006/09 |
Study on the effect of platelet-rich plasma on periodontal regeneration(92nd AnnualMeeting of the American Academy of periodontology)
79. |
2006/06/09 |
Study on the effect of platele-rich plasma on periodontal regeneration(84th General Meething of the International Association for Dental Research)
80. |
2005/11 |
81. |
2005/06 |
82. |
2004/06 |
歯周再生治療シンポジウム PRPを用いた歯周組織再生法とその臨床的ポイント(日本顎咬合学会第22回学術大会)
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2004/05 |
84. |
2003/11 |
85. |
2003/09 |
Hypoxia-induced Bone-resorbing Factors from Periodontal Ligament Cells(The 89th Annual Meething of the American Academy of Periodontology)
86. |
2003/06 |
87. |
2001/10 |
88. |
2001/03 |
Analysis of markers of bone metabolism peri-implant crevicular fluid(16th Annual Meeting of Academy of Osseointegration)
89. |
2000/09 |
Clical comparison of GTR therapy in the treatent of class Ⅱ furcation defects by using bioabsorbable membrane or non-absrbable membrane(86th Anuual Meeting of the American Academy of Periodontology)
90. |
1999/12 |
Basic study on osteoinduction and permutation abilities of artificial bone materials(The 3rd Asian Pacific Society of Periodontology Annual Meetong)
91. |
1999/12 |
Experimental study of occlusal trauma to osseointegrated implants.Part4(The 3rd Asian Pacific Society of Periodotology Annual Meething)
92. |
1999/12 |
The influence of occlsal force on peri-implant tissue(The 3rd Asian Pacific Society of Periodontology Annual Meeting)
93. |
1999/09 |
In vitro study of risk factors(mental stress and smoking) for alveoar bone metabolosm(85th Annual meeting of American Academy of Periodontology)
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1999/09 |
Porohyromonas gingivalis fimbria-mediated adherence to hybrid restorative materials is regulated by fibronectin in saliva(85th Annual meting of American Academy of Periodontology,)
95. |
1999/06 |
Inflience of risk factor (smoking) for alveolar bone formation(7th Meeting of the International Academy of Periodontology)
96. |
1999/01 |
Experimental study of occulusal trauma to osseointegrated implant.Part3(8th International FRIATEC Symposiumth)
97. |
1998/07 |
Effect of dexzmethasone(Dex) on osteoclast formation.Part1(76th Annual Meethig for International Academy for Dental Reserchi)
98. |
1997/10 |
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1997/04 |
100. |
1996/10 |
Treatment of patients with early onset periodontitis;reductive methods on periodontal disease activity(82th Annual Meetings for American Academy of periodontology)
101. |
1996/09 |
Development of a new purification method for human bone morphogentic protain-4(The 18th Annual Meetings for the American Society of Bone and Mineral Research)
102. |
1996/09 |
Isolation of human osteoclasts from alveolar bone by immunomagnetic beads(The 18th Annual Meetings for the American Society of Bone and Mineral Research)
103. |
1996/09 |
The recepter type tyrosine kinase,RON,which is expressed in human osteoclasts and its ligand,MSP,stimlate osteoclast mediated bone resorption(The 18th Annual Meetings for the American Society of Bone and Mineral Reseach)
104. |
1995/09 |
Expression and function of STK receptpr and its ligand,MSP,in murine osteoclasts(The 17th Annual Meetings for the American Socity of Bone and mineral Research)
105. |
1995/09 |
Molecular cloning of novel DDR-like receptor tyrosine kinase gene,derivided from osteoblast-like cells(The 17th Annual Meetings for the American Society of Bone and Mineral Research)
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1995/05 |
107. |
1994/09 |
Cytokibes network of alveoral bone resorption in occurring of periodontal disease(The 16th Annual Meetings of Ameriacn Society of Bone and Mineral Research)
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1994/09 |
Flurbiprofen inhibits osteoclast mediated bone resorption and stimulate osteocation synthesis on osteoblasts(The 16th Annual Meetings of Ameriacn Society of Bone and Mineral Research)
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1994/07 |
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1994/04 |
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1993/10 |
112. |
1993/09 |
Effects of 1,25(OH)2-16-ene-23-yne-D3 on osteocalcin sysnthesis and its mRNA level in human osteosalcoma cells(The 15th Annual Meetings of Ameriacn Society of Bone and Mineral Research)
113. |
1993/09 |
Elevated N-terminal osteocalcin is the probable new marker of bone resorption in reriodontal disease(The 15th Annual Meetings of Ameriaca Society of Bone and Mineral Research)
114. |
1993/09 |
The appearance of N-terminal osteocalcin within the osteoclastoc participate in the degration of the bone matrix(The 15th Annual Meetings of Ameriacn Society of Bone and Mineral Research)
115. |
1993/07 |
1,25(OH)2-16-ene-23-yne― D3の骨芽細胞用細胞への作用(第11回日本骨代謝学会)
116. |
1993/06 |
1,25(OH)2-16-ene-23-yne― D3の骨芽細胞への作用(第12回日本歯科薬物療法学会)
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1993/06 |
118. |
1992/11 |
1,25(OH)2-16-ene-23-yne― D3の骨細胞への作用(第8回ビタミンDワークショップ)
119. |
1992/10 |
骨代謝回転におけるLPSの作用(Ⅲ )(第35回秋季日本歯周病学会総会)
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1992/09 |
cytokines network of alyeoral bone resorption in occurring of Periodontal disease(The 9th annual meeting for International Conferrence of Periodontal Research)
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1992/09 |
Effects of 1,25(OH)2D3-26,23-lactone on osteocalcin synthesis in human osteosalcoma cell(The 9th annual meeting for Interanational Conferrence of Periodontal Research)
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1992/09 |
Osteoblast-like cells secrete glanulocyte-macrophage and macrophage colony stimulating factor in response to lipopolysaccaride(14th Annual Meetings of Bone and Mineral Research)
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1992/06 |
124. |
1991/09 |
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1991/09 |
126. |
1991/07 |
23(S)23(R)-1.25(OH)2D3-26,23-Lacton, A Naturally Occurring Metabolite of 1.25(OH)2D3,Inhibits Osteocl-like Cell Formation in Human Bone Marrow and Cord Blood Cultures(The 8th Workshop on Vitamin D)
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1991/07 |
24(R),25(OH)2D3 Inhibits fusion of Committed Precursors for Human Osteoclast-Like Cells(The 8th Woekshop on vitamin D)
128. |
1990/11 |
Lipopolysaccharides Stimulates Osteoclast-like Multinucleated Cell Formation in Long Term Human Cord Blood Cultures(The 8th for International Conference of Periodontal Research)
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1990/10 |
130. |
1989/10 |
実験的イヌ歯槽骨欠損部へ移植した2~ 3移植材の組織内CaおよびPの動態(第32回秋季日本歯周病学会総会)
131. |
1988/10 |
焼成骨の歯周治療への応用(Ⅱ )一HAP,β ―TCPおよびTBCにおけるco H agen coatingの効果(in vitro)(第31回秋季日本歯周病学会総会)
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1988/04 |
アテロコラーゲン膜移植後の歯周組織創傷治癒反応に関する研究 ラット歯肉のコラーゲン合成に及ぼす影響(第31回春季日本歯周病学会総会)
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1987/10 |
焼成骨(True Bone ceramic:高研社製)の歯周治療への試み一In vitroにおける検討―(第30回秋季日本歯周病学会総会)
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1987/08 |